集装箱咖啡馆 I 为什么用集装箱改造的咖啡馆在迪拜受到欢迎?





客户:Fadi Saab

Project Info:

Location: Dubai, UAE
Scope of services: Architectural Design and Interior Design
Date: August 2017
Client: Fadi Saab, F&B Operations Manager

集装箱咖啡馆是一种现象,遭到很多首要连锁店的接待,包括星巴克和麦当劳,由于它的易用性、移动性和经济性。可是, 但这家集装箱咖啡馆与其他咖啡馆的区分在于将酋长国的外乡修建元素与绿色和可延续设想融为一体。

The Café Container is a phenomenon that has been welcomed by many major chains, including the likes of Starbucks and McDonald’s, thanks to its ease of use, mobility and affordability. But what separates this café container from others is the blend of the Emirate’s indigenous architecture elements with green and sustainable design.

最引人注视标特征是咖啡馆前面的阴影空间。 曲折的木结构在三个要塞点与空中相遇。阿联酋的天气使我们的修建师有机遇利用太阳能电池板为室内照明供给动力。 两个40英尺的集装箱是咖啡馆的首要修建。 经过将两个集装箱部分放置在一路,我们的设想师可以在底层建立一个阴影地区,在上层建立一个完全开放的天台。集装箱的内部是绿松石,灵感来自迪拜的沿海地域, 与木质结构相连系,给整体外型带来特别结果。

The most eye-catching feature of the container is the shaded space in front of the cafe. The curved wooden structure meets the ground in three fortified points.The Emirates climate has given our architects the opportunity to use solar panels to power the interior lighting. Two 40-foot containers are the main building of the cafe. By partially placing the two containers on one another, our designers were able to create a shaded area on the ground floor and a fully open terrace on the upper floor.The exterior of the containers is turquoise inspired by the coastal region of Dubai, which, in combination with the wooden structure, has given a special effect to overall look.

我们的设想师面临的应战是将阿联酋的外乡修建与可延续修建融为一体。 在这根本上,修建师起头了他们的研讨,以肯定更多的阿联酋外乡修建。我们的设想师被柳条,木质纺织品,饰品和瓷砖装潢的想法所吸引。

The challenge our designers faced was blending the native architecture of the Emirates with sustainable architecture. In this regard, the architects began their studies to identify more of the UAE’s native architecture. Our designers were attracted to the idea of, wickers, wood textiles, ornaments and tile decorations.

木料也是我们设想中利用的首要元素之一。 好消息是木制修建材料既属于当地文化,又用于可延续修建。


Wood is also one of the major elements used in our design. The good news was that wooden construction materials were both in the local culture and used in sustainable architecture.


As can be seen in the interior design, the walls and floor are covered with wood. The roof is covered with a layer of woven straw. The first floor has been decorated with net lights and straw chandeliers.


The decorations on the walls were also inspired from the native architecture of the Emirates, while the reception tables and chairs and the walls covered with green plants, are derived from sustainable architecture and have created a coherent design that is in harmony with nature.


The design that has been achieved shows that by combining architectural elements and traces of native culture and traditions, we can create a pleasant atmosphere for people.





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